Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I've Figured it Out!

So today my dad decided to turn on some lion/dragon dance competitions. He blasted the music like he always does. It INSTANTLY drew me in! The dances were amazing!! After a couple of dances my dad turned off the TV (he said he couldn't watch it anymore because Vietnam WHOOPED Hong Kong's lion tooshies).

My mom walks up the stairs a couple minutes later and goes into the kitchen. My dad asks, "Want to watch some lion dances?!" My mother replies with, "Not if I have to sit and listen to something going BAM BANG BANG BAM BAM BAM! The whole time! My mother could NEVER sit and watch this let alone be in the next room!!" My dad asked, "Why?!" My mother answers with, "It's OBNOXIOUS!"

And that is why I love my Asian culture SOOO much better than I love my Caucasian. It's exciting. It's loud. It's CULTURE!!! Caucasians are boring. They don't appreciate sound (or noise whatever they call it). They don't appreciate the THOUSANDS of years that it has taken to perfect the art of lion and dragon dancing!! Instead Caucasians are obsessed with the culture of consumerism. Eating. Keeping up with the Jones. Is there any reason to NOT love my Asian culture?!

(It also doesn't help that I LOVE EVERYTHING OPPOSITE of my mother. I can't help it. It's just a natural attraction that pulls me in like a N to S polar opposition!)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I Have Lots of Personal Thoughts Today

I'm just sitting here wondering how I made friends with the most boring people on earth. Every year in March there is a festival run by a local Krishna temple. It's called Holi Fest. In the celebration of Holi Fest there is a section where everyone gathers together and tosses colored dust at each other. Loads of fun right?! No one can resist unless they're a grandmother, recently impregnated woman, or a woman with 15 children. My friends fall under the category of just pure lame. Today I texted my friend and asked her to go with me. Her response? "Meh it looks like an asthma attack waiting to happen." No. She does NOT have asthma.

I'm having trouble with people today. I hate them. All of them. Except for the really cute guys who made me my Hummus Harvest Sammich at Great Harvest. They were very nice. And smiled at me like the appreciated my business. And I appreciated their kindness on this very, very, VERY craptastic day. Now everyone begin to feel incredibly sorry for me. Thank you. You're a very good audience. *waves to the audience of no one*

The Father Prevails

So I don't think I should over-generalize on either side of this but, Caucasians, especially males in America, enjoy their sports. To the extreme. I personally find it incredibly annoying.

While growing up the only influence I had, as far as sports fanaticism went, was when my mother rooted for her college football team (for the rivalry game of course) by bringing a TON of blue and white jelly beans to her red and white rooting workplace. Since my mother was not around very often while growing up I was not heavily influenced by her love for her college team. I'm sure she's now regrets more fully that she was not around to instill that burning love into me especially since I went to that college and still don't love the sports team. It's okay mom. I'm all the better for it! Believe me!

My father once revealed to me that he loved playing soccer on his roof growing up in Hong Kong, but that's the only sports related thing I've ever heard him utter.

Needless to say I've grown up as a minority in the 89% Caucasian state of Utah (Yess!!! I just checked and there 2.2% of Utah residents are "Two or More Races"!). When people started talking sports the hair on my back would rise and I'd begin to hiss. After a while the guys I hung out with learned to not include me on sports talk and just ignore me like every other girl even if I did sometimes resemble a boy.

Fanaticism. What do I see wrong with it? I'll tell you. The human mind is an interesting thing. It likes to attach itself to lots of different things. Take Twilight for example. There are teenage girls and boys all over the WORLD now who have become obsessive/fanatic about this book. And it's scary. Almost as scary as sports fanatics.

Let's look at how being that attached to a sport will negatively effect the human race:

1) The human mind morphs to somehow create the illusion that by rooting for a favorite team that they are somehow actually a part of the team. A self identity crisis begins to ensue. Suddenly they cannot tell the difference between themselves and the team. They begin to refer to the team as "We." (i.e. "We just SMASHED BYU!!") I'm sorry. You are not playing the game no matter how much you dream about it at night. You were not skilled, brawny, tough, good looking, or talented enough to make it onto that sports team. Get over it. Have a HEALTHY love for the game. Say, "The UofU just SMASHED BYU!!" or "My favorite team just SMASHED BYU!!" This sentence is a perfect segue into my next point.

2) Becoming a fanatic instantly transforms you into a caveman-like creature. The only thing you focus on is that game much like the caveman focused only on finding food to eat. The only difference between you and the caveman is that the caveman is smart enough to focus on something that will keep him alive. You focus on something totally detrimental to your well being. You not only become an idiot stuck to your tv, or now computers what with technology exploding, but you also lose family respect (unless of course you've brain washed your children into becoming as idiotic as you).

3) Becoming a sports fanatic instantly makes your "World's Most Annoying Person to Be Around" points SKYROCKET. We're at work. No. I do not want to know what the current points are on the game. No. I do NOT want to celebrate my birthday with the company by taking my sacred 1 hour lunch time and dedicating it to the current basketball tournament. No. I do not want to hear you bad mouthing my school's sports team even if I don't give a flying shit about whether or not they win or lose. No. It does not annoy me that you're making fun of my school. It annoys me that you still think I'd care to hear about sports even though I named my bracket "WTF IS THIS?! I HATE SPORTS!!!" In the end all this conversation just makes you look like a tactless fool anyways. *rolls eyes as co-worker begins to slander my school, yet again. Of COURSE he's made sure that I can hear*

4) Being a fanatic suddenly creates a narcissistic nation. #1 mixes in with #3 and suddenly you get this ginromiously big headed giant monster of DOOM. Suddenly you think you are FAR superior to your fellow man because "your team" is kicking your fellow human being, with a healthy love for their favorite sports team's, ass. YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING YOU BLABBERING IMBECILE!!!! THE MEN WHO HAVE WORKED HARD ALL YEAR LONG TO KICK ASS HAVE DONE IT!!!! GET OVER YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*takes deep breath*

I'm sure this post wouldn't have been so full of hate had I not written it at work while in the midst of all the sports fanatic fever currently going on. Of course I don't hate the people who have a healthy love for sports. It's okay to root for your team! It's okay to celebrate when your team wins. But the second you start acting superior to another group of human beings is the second you turn into a fascist-like pig. You are not superior. You are just like everyone else with different talents/skills to add to our human race. Get over yourselves already.

I blame my Caucasian culture for influencing me to have such a volatile temper.

I've No Clue Where to Put This

So I have no clue where to put this other than here. I guess this is like my personal blog with an emphasis on my personal culture so I'll somehow tie this thought into that idea.

Today I saw a man in a bright red Irish cap. I've recently been reading about a girl who made it a project to take a picture of a stranger each day for 365 days. I thought to myself, "Wow. If I were to ever start that project I would totally choose him for the first day. I should go ask him if I can take a picture of him!!" Literally that dialogue occured in the 2 seconds it took him to walk out of the office next door and down the stairs to his car.

I've been trying to come up with the reason why I didn't just go and ask him to pose for a quick photo. I've done crazy things before like give people my number and give friends numbrs to guys for them and gone up to random people and asked them to do a favor for me or to give me their opinion on something (Look for this story below). In California I even asked a couple to be MUSHY in front of me so I could get a silhouette photo of them!!!!

So I knew it wasn't that I was scared of asking a stranger to pose for a photo for me.

Now that I've had time to think, it's my total lack of confidence in my skills that held me back from asking him to pose! I'm scared that I won't do as well as the girl who is doing the 365 project. I need to suck it up and grow some freakin' balls already!! (sorry for the harsh terminology but it's true) Of course statements like that will not improve my confidence but I keep hoping if I show myself how pathetic I can be I'll change. Maybe.

So you're looking for the promised story about going up to random people and asking their opinion on matters. Well you've just found it! I was once in a conversation with a boy I liked. We were talking about a local restaurant and how everyone loves their salads even the manliest of men love them! He didn't think that everyone loved them as much as I thought. So I went up to a girl in the library and asked her if she had ever eaten at the restaurant. She had. I asked her if she had a choice between their salad or anything else on the menu if she'd choose the salad. She answered that she'd get the salad. It's a pretty universal love! Of course I only asked that one girl and no girly men but he gave up the argument after that. He also gave up on trying to pursue me. His loss.

Alright next post will be about being not so caucasian. Again.