Thursday, March 19, 2009

I've No Clue Where to Put This

So I have no clue where to put this other than here. I guess this is like my personal blog with an emphasis on my personal culture so I'll somehow tie this thought into that idea.

Today I saw a man in a bright red Irish cap. I've recently been reading about a girl who made it a project to take a picture of a stranger each day for 365 days. I thought to myself, "Wow. If I were to ever start that project I would totally choose him for the first day. I should go ask him if I can take a picture of him!!" Literally that dialogue occured in the 2 seconds it took him to walk out of the office next door and down the stairs to his car.

I've been trying to come up with the reason why I didn't just go and ask him to pose for a quick photo. I've done crazy things before like give people my number and give friends numbrs to guys for them and gone up to random people and asked them to do a favor for me or to give me their opinion on something (Look for this story below). In California I even asked a couple to be MUSHY in front of me so I could get a silhouette photo of them!!!!

So I knew it wasn't that I was scared of asking a stranger to pose for a photo for me.

Now that I've had time to think, it's my total lack of confidence in my skills that held me back from asking him to pose! I'm scared that I won't do as well as the girl who is doing the 365 project. I need to suck it up and grow some freakin' balls already!! (sorry for the harsh terminology but it's true) Of course statements like that will not improve my confidence but I keep hoping if I show myself how pathetic I can be I'll change. Maybe.

So you're looking for the promised story about going up to random people and asking their opinion on matters. Well you've just found it! I was once in a conversation with a boy I liked. We were talking about a local restaurant and how everyone loves their salads even the manliest of men love them! He didn't think that everyone loved them as much as I thought. So I went up to a girl in the library and asked her if she had ever eaten at the restaurant. She had. I asked her if she had a choice between their salad or anything else on the menu if she'd choose the salad. She answered that she'd get the salad. It's a pretty universal love! Of course I only asked that one girl and no girly men but he gave up the argument after that. He also gave up on trying to pursue me. His loss.

Alright next post will be about being not so caucasian. Again.

1 comment:

  1. i don't think this has anything to do with culture. you're just a weeny. ;)

    but i still liked reading it because i relate. although for me the separation is clear. i can be authoritative with my students but when it comes to their parents I'm a lost little lamb...
